Gems We Love

From fan favorite rubies, emeralds and sapphires to rare, connoisseur-level gems, Kingsley curates the most incredible gemstones in the world. Learn more about these magnificent jewels below.

  • Fancy Diamonds

    Fancy diamonds come in a spectrum of naturally occurring colors and intensities, making for an exotic alternative to white or colorless diamonds.

  • Antique Diamonds

    Vintage and antique diamond cuts are a throwback to an earlier time, before the invention of technology that would allow for modern day diamond cutting.

  • Emerald

    Emerald’s lush green has soothed souls, incited envy, and ignited imaginations for centuries. Known as “The Jewel of Kings,” it’s no surprise the list of celebrated royalty who loved this green gem includes no less than Cleopatra.

  • Kashmir Sapphire

    Kashmir sapphires are highly valued because the finest specimens have a superb royal blue color and velvety texture due to fine silk inclusions.

  • Sapphire

    Sapphires are some of the world’s most favored gemstones.

  • Padparadscha Sapphire

    Hailed by many as the king of sapphires, Padparadscha is one of the rarest and most beautiful members of the corundum family.

  • Ruby

    It’s hard to miss a piece of jewelry featuring the eye-catching, bright red ruby. The red hued gemstone has long been associated with passion, desire, and love.

  • Spinel

    Until recently, spinel was an underappreciated gem with little consumer recognition. Increasing demand for ruby and sapphire alternatives rekindled appreciation for spinel’s rich color and history.

  • Opal

    It’s easy to marvel at the kaleidoscopic Opal, a gemstone that’s wowed civilizations for centuries.

  • Grandidierite

    Grandidierite is not only a gemstone, it’s also one of the rarest minerals on earth. In 1902, the original discovery of this rare gem happened in the cliffs of Andrahomana, Madagascar.

  • Pearl

    Perhaps the best-loved gem of all time, pearls—both natural and modern cultured pearls—occur in a wide variety of colors.

  • Jade

    Jade has been found in the smoke-dimmed caves and huts that sheltered prehistoric humans around the world.

About Kingsley

From one-of-a-kind antiques with historical significance to entire designer collections, Kingsley values the history & importance of jewelry.